At work. At craft shows. In my wet basement. At least some of it is fun. And Friday I added at home with a sick little boy. Poor little guy. Turns out to be Strep. Ick. And ouch. He was supposed to go to the zoo with the latchkey group since it was a no school day. I told him we'd go next week. If the rain stops that is. Which it is supposed to.
This is the work part. I am making my first model garment to display - yippee!!! Am I nervous? Um, yup, a tad. My only real worry is finding the space to work. I'll show you why below.
Let me introduce you to our new best friend....
Do you remember a few weeks back when I showed similar pics? Yeah. Well, the problem has not been able to get fixed because we haven't had enough days in a row to dry things up. But the sun is out now. That' a good sign.
At least my show was inside at the Rust Belt yesterday. New spot this time...against a wall. Still not sure which placing I preferred. I do prefer this pic though...and not just because my little guy is in it :) But because it was taken with my new toy...a Galaxy Tablet. LOVE IT!!! I even have a card swiper on it for shows. Sweet!