Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Joella and Rae Ann

Let's start of with some pretties from Joella at Always Wired Bead Lady.

You can read up on her works and their inspirations on her blog, Always Wired Bead Lady.

So you know I love jewelry...of the handmade variety at least. And I also love buttons...even as jewelry actually. I have had Wordless Wednesdays of buttons and make many bags decorated with buttons.

But what about blog buttons? I have seen so many cute ones out there & always wondered just where the heck do people find them. Well, I found one place that does customizable ones....The Button Box.

Rae Ann is a stay at home mom like myself who found a fun creative outlet...for profit :) She even does headers and backgrounds. She has a blog also, of course, called Critical Mass where you can learn more about her. Unfortunately, her computer decided to go belly up recently, so she may be a bit behind in posting. I just love her banner text: "Pretending to lose weight - but not my mind- while raising children". Sounds so familiar. Heck, our reading lists are even similar :)


  1. I've always loved buttons, too! What is it about them...? Looks like I need to see what the button box is all about! {:-Deb

  2. Beautiful jewelry! I'll for sure have to check out the button thing too!

  3. OMG...I'm in love with that silver necklace!!! It has all "my" colors in it!!!


Glad you stopped by and said hi