It has been fun watching him play with everything. For a kid who can't sit still, he has been playing intensely. Building like a maniac. And coming up with some very creative "stories" for when the toys intermingle. This often involves "contraptions". What exactly his "contraptions" are, I have no idea. It seems to involve one object moving into another and sending that object moving onto another. Kind of like dominoes, but being carried. Oh, he got dominoes too...Spongebob.
Onto the goodies....
We have the Imaginext space shuttle. A huge hit. It has been exploring the vastness of out 800 sq ft first floor like it was the size of Jupiter. many. Here we have a Power Miners set. This took all morning to build. All by himself.
Star Wars Legos were in town as well.
They seem to have run over some clone buddies...
Lego Atlantis set. Um, yeah, not yet completed...but well kept in their own little bowl.
Under the tree here you can see his Wolf Mountain car set and Marble track thingy. The wolf howls...loudly.
But it is not quite as loud as Stinky here. Stinky was from Santa. He knew Wyatt wanted one way back in October when they were on sale at Target. Not that Santa shops at Target....nope, must have been the Target elf room up at the North Pole ;)
Poor Snoopy. Got all tuckered out with all the playtime. Nap time for him.
I never had legos as a kid, but they sure look fun. Now Snoopy, I love. Yes, he takes lots of naps... Love that blue background - and I'm thinking the two columns are much "cleaner" than three....