It's the last week of the month and I was sitting in bed last night going over my goals. Were they too much? Too little? Too early to say. I have made some progress creatively speaking. If you follow my Tilt's Creations blog you have seen the things I have been making. If not, here's a little peek...

The biggest problem with the goals so far has been the photography. While I have come up with some ideas for backdrops and such, the weather has not been cooperating. Natural light is always always, always best, but this time of year it is hard to find. Especially in my house where there are very few places withe good window placement. I could default and just take some with lights, but that is cruddy as well. My house is quite dim. I could go into how frustrating it is to find bright enough lamps and such in stores that are too lit to see how well each piece lights up an area, but no one wants to hear that.
And from lack of photos comes lack of listings. I have made up for this by listing a bunch of destash patterns in my Tilt Too shop. I have a couple dozen more to go and some fabric bits too.

I guess that's not too bad. If I go another week without photos for listings, than I may downgrade it to "kinda not so good".
How are you doing with your goals?
I made a big list of goals, the first being to finish ALL my unfinished projects in January. I am clicking them off one by one, amazingly, but the list is long . . . . so, maybe I ought to make that "by February." Hee:) hee:)