I was looking back at my posts these past couple weeks and realized how little of it was personal. So here is an update.
Coughing. Runny noses. Sore throats. Achy backs. Catching of breath. Ear infection. Sinusitis.
It has been a fun couple weeks on the homestead. Luckily the above was split between my son and myself and not just all him. Although he's had it the longest. What started as a cold for him morphed into an ear & sinus infection. He is doing better today. He actually wanted to eat and drink. Big step. But now Mommy can barely walk up the stairs without losing her breath & avoids swallowing because it hurts so much. Good times, good times.
And so my 5 bags that should have been quite some time ago have been a very slow go.

At least the evenings were kiddo free & I got some embroidery done. I love the way Poison Ivy turned out. I am glad I decided to add organza and beads for the leaves and flower.
And my biology background came out with these cells...or maybe it was all this illness on my mind :P

Here's to hoping the Amoxycillin kicks in and he is back in school soon. Mommy loves him dearly, but is ready for some alone time. If for no other reason than for it to be my turn to get better. I have lots I want to sew for a photo shoot in a couple weeks. More on that fun news later.