Monday, August 10, 2009

Band Camp Has Begun

It is that time of year again. My oldest has headed up to Interlochen with the marching band. I know some parents get all teary eyed when their kids go away for a bit, but we don't. Not that we won't miss him, but it is part of growing up. I am all for him growing up...I can't wait to see what kind of man he will be. Actually, I already can see a bit of the man he is becoming. Kind. Caring. Gentle. Intelligent. Talented. And a bit goofy - always a good thing.

This will be his second year up there. Last year he was a pre-fresh, now he is an actual freshman. He was so much more prepared this time around. He knew exactly what to bring and even decided to join in the talent show. So his bass guitar traveled with him. I hope someone takes a video of the performance. He & a friend will be playing something by Hendrix.

And as long as he doesn't come back with stories that start "This one band camp?", he'll have a few more years of band camp to look forward to.


  1. Kudos to him! Both my kids were in competition bands and had so much fun. It was hard work too. My son played the baritone and my daughter played the drum.

  2. Lol...can't wait to hear his "band camp" stories. Just kidding...I'm sure he's having fun and behaving himself :)

  3. I'm a huge fan of band! Both my kids were in band and I could go on and on about all the wonderful benefits. One played saxophone; the other, trumpet.

  4. I totally don't know what goes on at band camp and feel like I'm missing something based on Edi and Ruthie's comments! Anyway, hope he's having fun!


Glad you stopped by and said hi