Monday, October 20, 2008

My Teen and his creations...

My 13 year old loves the computer. He has a fascination with changing graphics and photos...merging is more like it. All of his media teachers have said he could have a great career in graphics. We believe them because of his enthusiasm for it all, but we see some pretty odd things - some fun ones too - like these...

cartoon character Gir as Batman

"Snuggles" - combo pokemon, bunny rabbit, reptile & Michigan J Frog's hat
Guy in a hurricane
umm...not really sure
One possible graphic for his marching band section


  1. wow he's quite an artist! Creativity runs in the family I see!!!!

  2. Looks like his future won't be too difficult to decide! College and an excellent paying job...promotions...owns own business...


Glad you stopped by and said hi